Friday, June 1, 2018

Back to the Blog - Again.

Many months have passed since I put pen to paper, so to speak. No matter, really, since no one reads my blog posts anyway. Truly, I write them for myself as I enjoy the process of creating, whether sentences or photographs or art journals and scrapbook pages (hey, those photos have to go somewhere, after all). Maybe a day will come when I will share this with my children. They tell me my stories are boring and that they have heard them all. They may be boring, but they most definitely have not heard them all.

This blog has had many incarnations, first as a scrapbooking blog and then a blog of random stories and then a photography blog. Clearly, I have no idea what this is supposed to be. However, telling the tales with photos to go along with them seems to be where this particular passion lies and where it tends to end up. So, this blog is evolving once again back to stories with photo illustrations. And, once again, I changed the name and the email address and the photo banner at the top of the page.

I am nothing if not flexible although I believe my children would probably disagree. We'll see how long this one lasts or if, once again, months will pass and the tales will remain unwritten.